About St. Martha Online Giving

Why sign up for Online Giving?

No Checks or Cash to bring to Church.
Donate using Credit Cards, Checking or Savings bank transfer, or Paypal.
Peace-of-mind knowing St. Martha will get your contribution even if you are unable to attend the Mass.
Make donating easy and automatic like the mortgage payments, cell phone bills, or like online shopping.
More secure than checks.
Gives you the ability to include intentions and notes with your donations.
Easily update your contribution amount.
All contributions are recorded for you on your bank statement.
PDF receipts are emailed to you once your payment clears.
At the end of the year, you will receive a PDF summary letter of all the payments made online automatically.
Keep your information secure with HTTPS SSL/TLS encryption.
Take advantage of Credit Card Points, Mileage, or Rewards while making a donation to St. Martha (use credit cards responsibly!)
It costs you nothing!

If you have questions, please contact john@stmarthayam.com,
John Agaton, Youth Ministry Volunteer.

​How does the St. Martha Benefit?

Easily allows for allocation of one time donations/offertory, special funds, and recurring donations.
Increases regular giving with recurring contributions.
More accurately forecast revenue.
Simplify donation summary for tax time.
Reaches to wider demographics of donors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is online giving?

Giving/donating online is making an offertory or contribution electronically to St. Martha which is directly paid or debited from your credit card, checking, or savings account.  The funds are then directly deposited into the St. Martha’s bank account.

2. What are the advantages to giving online?

It makes it easy to fulfill stewardship commitments, even when you can't attend church. You never have to bring cash or checks to church. Giving electronically also helps the church save money and improve its budget!

3. How are my contributions automatically deducted from my account?

We have partnered with major payment processing applications Stripe, Plaid, and Paypal.  If you have shopped online, you may have already used one of these services even without knowing it.  Your payment is securely processed by these companies and the contribution amount you specify will automatically be transferred from your credit card or bank account to the St. Martha's bank account.

4. When will my contribution be deducted from my account or credit card?

Your contribution will be processed immediately.  If you marked the box for recurring payment, the following payments will occur from the day you donated.  For example, if you donate on Monday and recurring weekly donation, the next donation will be the following Monday.

5. If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight?

Recurring payments will follow the time frame you have selected.  These known values with predictable dates can be written into your register.  If there are any issues with processing your recurring payment, we will reach out to you with the information you provided when you first submitted the recurring payment. Receipts will automatically be emailed to you after each donation, and at the end of the year you will be receiving a summary letter for all the donations you made online.  You can also log into the website to see any of your donation information.

6. Without a canceled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?

Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transactions.  Your donation information will emailed to you in a PDF format, and will also be available online on the website.  At the end of the year a summary letter will be sent to you for all the online donations you have made for the year. 

7. Can I put different amounts in offerings and have all of them withdrawn at different times?

You can set up to contribute to different offerings or funds at different times, and with different frequencies.  For example, your regular Sunday church offertory may be weekly for $50, another recurring payment for $20 monthly for the Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and a one-time payment for the intention of your Nieces’ birthday. You must set up each of the donation funds separately.  Continuing with the example, 3 sets of donation funds will need to be set up.  You will receive a receipt for each fund after every payment is processed.

8. What if I change bank accounts?

Login and update your account information.

9. Is giving online risky?

It's less risky than writing checks or bringing cash to church. Electronic contributions cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed and have an extremely high rate of accuracy.  Your donations are processed by major payment processing companies Stripe, Plaid, and Paypal, which have large resources to invest in making your financial information secure.

10. What if I try Online Giving and don’t like it?

You can cancel your authorization by deleting your bank accounts and donation information.

11. How do I sign up to give online?

Head to the St. Martha Church website or St. Martha YAM website, and navigate to the Donate section.  Select how much you would like to donate, fill out all the necessary fields in the form, along with your bank or credit card information.  It’s like shopping online.

12. Why is the payment processed on stmarthayam.com and not on stmarthavalinda.org?

Online donations was an initiative started and made possible by the Young Adult Ministry.  The new parish website was brought online afterwards.  Donations on the stmarthavalinda.org website may be possible in the future.

13. How do I modify my recurring donation/subscription?

First, log into the website with the information used to create the recurring donation, or search your email registered to the recurring donation and search for "Subscription/Recurring Donation Receipt", then click on "View the receipt in your browser".  

Click on "Manage Subscriptions"

Then select the option which you would like to do.  If you would like to switch to Credit Card to PayPal, or vice versa, you will need to cancel and redo the recurring donation subscription.
