October 6

Confirmation Class Schedule


Please check below your schedule for Zoom Classes (Faith Sharing).

In order to protect the safety of each class your catechists will text or email only your Zoom ID number. The Catechists are scheduled to teach on different days in order to accommodate the number of candidates (students) per license, per class. Please make sure you check in 5 minutes before the time of class that your catechists will assign. Anyone signing in after 10 minutes will be considered absent. A typical class will last for one hour and a half. You are not allowed to leave the class until it is finished or unless you have an emergency. There shouldn’t be any vulgarity in language, signs or gestures used at any given time while in class. Treat everyone with respect (especially your catechists) as you also want to be respected. Dress appropriately for class and make sure you are ready and willing to participate in class. Your cooperation and participation will help the catechists and your peers have a fruitful and enjoyable faith sharing.

Year 1 schedule:

  • Monday – Tony Azpeitia – Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • Tuesday – Jullianna Solis – Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • Wednesday – Carmi Montañes – Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • Thursday – David Alvidrez – Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • year 2 schedule

  • Sunday – Ron Albania – 2:30pm – 4pm
  • Sunday – Joseph Alfaro – 2:30pm – 4pm
  • Monday – Ximena De Leon – Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • Tuesday – Sal Arrivillaga – Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • Wednesday – Ed Macalalad & Shirley Manalang – Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • Thursday – Joanne Crawford & Aracely Majin - Flex time from 6pm – 9pm
  • I hope and pray for the success of each faith sharing you will have this year. May God be always at the center of your faith sharing class and in your daily lives.


    Ed Macalalad

    *Flex time means the catechist will choose a start time to begin the class with the agreement of everyone.


    catechist, confirmation, faith sharing, schedule

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  • Can the general class schedule also be posted on this site. The schedule that also includes rituals classes and parent classes

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