September 20

Family Ties


The family is where it all begins.  In the everyday life it’s where we learn the language of love – caring for friends, neighbors, and strangers.

Take a look at the video.

Now, some people may not have a good family life where the family is the cause of pain in their life. I’m truly sorry. I will pray for you. But that doesn’t mean that you should perpetuate the cycle of pain and suffering.  You have the power to rise out of it, and with Jesus with you anything is possible.

Or maybe you’ve discovered God on your own.  Welcome to the larger family within the Catholic Community.  We’re all broken people, but we’re walking towards Jesus together.  And hopefully your family can be a place where God dwells.

In some of the coming articles, I’m going to be inviting some of the other people to write about their experiences and how God plays a role in their family.  Look forward to them!


family, love, pain, suffering

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