September 11

The JOY that prayer brings!


Good evening everyone. Sorry this article is coming a little late. I was celebrating the last 24 hours of our wedding anniversary! Praise Jesus we made it this far and there’s no doubt that it will continue as long as we keep Jesus in the center of our relationship.

So today I’ve decided to write about PRAYER. Let’s take a moment and reflect on prayer. How often do you pray? Do you know how to pray? What do you pray about?

Let me ask you: do you want to experience JOY? Who in their right mind would not like to have JOY in their daily lives?

JOY is actually an acronym: J(esus) O(thers) Y(ourself)

Now I will break this down to you further.
So at the start of your prayer you spend a few moments to praise Jesus for everything good and maybe bad. Reflect on your blessings. reflect on the things you thought were bad and ended up being good. Think about those leff fortunate then you in any way If you’re not sure what you have been blessed with.
Take the time to pray for others. pray for that friend or family member that you know is struggling with something. This could be physical ailments or issues around their life. It could even be for people you hear about in the news. For example, i pray for the victims of the Sex abuse scandal and the firefighters and residents of the recent brush fires. Just imagine the stress and turmoil these people are going through. They certainly need prayer. praying for your family is also a good example of praying for others. Dont forget in Jesus last days before the crucifixion he issued a command to love one another as you love your self
and last but not least. Pray for yourself. I suggest you pray for the things you need or think you need. Think about the things that make life a struggle. pray for the guidance to get you past your current struggles. Just an friendly FYI… if Jesus brings you to it he can also bring you through it. and also to quote St Augustine:” He(GOD) who has created you without your consent will not help you without your consent.

Ok That’s all for now. Try this out for the next few days and feel free to share how things change as far as outlook attitude or anything like that. I’d love to compare notes with everyone. If you even have a question hit me up here!


augustine, Jesus, prayer, saint

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