Year 2 Confirmation Requirements
This is to remind our Confirmation Year 2 Candidates to submit their Saint or Confirmation Name Report, Completed & Signed Sponsor Forms, Sponsor Commitment Form, and all other requirements i.e. (Baptismal Certificates, First Communion Certificates & Stole Order Form). Please turn them in the Youth Office as soon as possible.
Youth Ministry will be offering a Parent & Sponsor Retreat on April 10, 2021, Saturday from 9am to 12nn via Zoom. This yearly retreat is offered to our Year 2 Parents & Sponsors ONLY. We are asking you to reserve the date and plan to attend this Retreat. As your Teens are preparing for their Sacraments, we invite you to prepare yourself as well. More info will be posted on the website.
Year 1 Ritual: “Renewal of Baptismal Promises” April 11, 2021 @ 5:00pm Youth Mass. Please arrive at 4:30pm for instructions & properly dressed for church.
Confirmation Zoom Classes - 2021
Our Zoom Confirmation Faith Sharing Class is the week of April 11-15, 2021.
Make sure you log in 5 minutes before your class begins. All mics and cameras should be turned on.
We are now accepting registration for Spring Retreat ~ May 1 & 2, 2021. Registration forms are now available in the Youth Office or on the website. More information will be posted on the website.
Easter Sunday – Today we begin the Easter Season, our 50-day meditation on the mystery of Christ's Resurrection. Our Gospel today tells us about the disciples' discovery of the empty tomb. It concludes by telling us that they did not yet understand that Jesus had risen from the dead. Thus, the details provided are not necessarily meant to offer proof of the Resurrection. The details invite us to reflect upon a most amazing gift, that is faith in Jesus and his Resurrection.
Each of the four Gospels tells us that Jesus' empty tomb was first discovered by women. This is notable because in first-century Jewish society women could not serve as legal witnesses. In the case of John's Gospel, the only woman attending the tomb is Mary of Magdala. Unlike the Synoptic accounts, John's Gospel does not describe an appearance of angels at the tomb. Instead, Mary is simply said to have observed that the stone that had sealed the tomb had been moved, and she runs to alert Simon Peter and the beloved disciple. Her statement to them is telling. She assumes that Jesus' body has been removed, perhaps stolen. She does not consider that Jesus has been raised from the dead.
Simon Peter and the beloved disciple race to the tomb, presumably to verify Mary's report. The beloved disciple arrives first but does not enter the tomb until after Simon Peter. This detail paints a vivid picture, as does the detail provided about the burial cloths. Some scholars believe that the presence of the burial cloths in the tomb offers evidence to the listener that Jesus' body had not been stolen (it is understood that grave robbers would have taken the burial cloths together with the body).
The Gospel passage concludes, however, that even having seen the empty tomb and the burial cloths, the disciples do not yet understand about the Resurrection. In the passage that follows, Mary of Magdala meets Jesus but mistakes him for the gardener. In the weeks ahead, the Gospel readings from our liturgy will show us how the disciples came to believe in Jesus' Resurrection through his appearances to them. Our Easter faith is based on their witness to both the empty tomb and their continuing relationship with Jesus—in his appearances and in his gift of the Holy Spirit.
John 20:1-9
If you can attend Mass in person and you are longing for Him in the Eucharist, then Jesus wants to see you. Come to Mass this Sunday and be transformed by His Word and by the Eucharist.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
Not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7