32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Wisdom 6:12-16
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 63
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13
Full readings can be found here:
Options to Read/Listen to the Gospel
Grab your bible and look up the reading. Don’t have one? No worries you can find the text here: https://lacatholics.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Thirty-second-Sunday-in-Ordinary-Time-Year-A-November-8-2020-EngSp.pdf
Listen to the readings proclaimed in audio format from the USCCB website: https://bible.usccb.org/podcasts/audio/2020-11-08-usccb-daily-mass-readings
Read the Gospel passage. What caught your attention in the reading?
Read the Gospel passage again. What image or action from the reading has stayed in your memory?
Look around your home for an item that reminds you of the image or action from the reading. (A picture, religious article, a plant, a book, electronic devise…)
Talk with Jesus about what the item you found means to you and how it connects to this Gospel.
If you have a prayer space in your home, place the item in the prayer space. If not, place the item someplace where you will see it every day. Each time you see the item this week, talk with Jesus about what you are doing (or have done) that day to get ready for him.
As a household, talk with one another about these questions. If you live by yourself, call a friend or family member to talk to, or write your thoughts in a journal.
* When have you regretted that you did not look ahead and anticipate the consequences of your action?
* Is there something coming up this week that you could be better prepared for? What might happen if you do not prepare?
*If Jesus came to your house today, what would you do to get ready for him?
Share with us how you are living out your faith at home. Use #LACatholicsBelieve and tag @LACatholics on social media.