Hey all. Young Adults Ministry is not an isolated ministry. We were glad to help out with the pre-mass dramatization and celebration. A few of us were there to act, support, recorded video, even helped to make the video that was played in the church. YAM is glad to be a help and part of the St. Martha community.
Just a few photos below. Click any one to jump to the photos and videos of the event.
![_MG_1399 https://photos.app.goo.gl/bwb4bzkKka8aUFyg9](https://stmarthayam.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/MG_1399-1.jpg)
The participation of SMCC YAM was a wonderful, colorful and well presented pre liturgy presentation of the origins of the Santo Nino in those times. The cast was so dramatical, enthusiastic, younger parishioners and lively. In reality , the SMCC YAM is a potential of workers in the vineyard of Christ for SMCC. Thank you for your talents,cooperation and participation. We look forward to your future Filipino traditional celabration participation.
More spiritual and material blessings. FMSMCC Vice Chair , Dwight Tavanlar