November 13

#GivingTuesdays 11/13/2018


Hey everyone. Welcome to another post on our November special on how to give and ways to do them.

Today’s #GivingTuesdays is about the stuff you already have in your possession. Have you ever heard the phrase ” One person’s junk is another person’s treasure”?  Well that’s pretty much what today is. As always I want you to remember something. Someone somewhere, whether near or far, has it worst than you. As such, that person that may have it worst than you may just be more grateful than you think.

So what is something that we can give away. Let’s try the pantry in your kitchen! We all know there’s canned food in there or type of canned food that doesn’t interest you. Maybe those ramen noodles or cans of beans. Tuna perhaps? Give that to the needy. I’m sure they understand more than anyone that food is food and it will do!

Ever buy a set of deodorant or toothpaste that ended up not working out for you? give it to the homeless! same thing with soaps and lotions and shaving creams etc.

Take a look at your closet. Is there an article of clothing that got for a birthday or holiday that isn’t your “style” and therefore have not used it? Give it to the homeless.

Even if our parish may or may not have a special drive you can find donation bins in some parking lots of business plazas. For example the 24 hr fitness on Azusa and the one on Amar have a special donation bins for clothes etc.

I heard a wonderful homily from Hawai’i while I was on vacation this past week. One of the priest’s message was how people give because it makes people feel good. That’s all good and well for the person that is receiving the gift. But true giving as far as the person giving means to give so much until it starts to Hurt! Reflect on the gospel passage from this previous Sunday, Mark 12:38-44. Let’s think about it. If you’re the person on the other side of the spectrum would you rather have that item worth more from the giver or would you rather receive something from that person that doesn’t mean much at all. Obviously, if I was the poor man knowing that I got a steak dinner the same way he liked his steak dinners; then I’d be even more grateful to that person. The above ideas and suggestions are just ways to get used to giving to the less fortunate. It’s simple, I’m sure, since we are used to seeing and hearing about fundraisers to feed and clothe the needy. The message of the Gospel is that everyone that contributed to the synagogue gave out of their surplus… whereas the poor lady who only gave a few cents pretty much gave EVERYTHING she had.

So go ahead! give from your surplus, but also remember to put some heart into what you are giving so that the gift given reflects how special that gift is to you personally! Till next Tuesday!


clothing, food, giving

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  • Dude. I was gonna put this body wash I didn’t really get into in the trash before you put this up. Really would have never crossed my mind… I’m glad you put this up lol

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