September 3

The Devil Is In the Details!


Good evening Young Adults and young adults in training! I hope that this article finds you well. As you should know, the leadership at St. Martha wanted to make sure we do a better job staying connected. As a result of being better connected we can ALL help each other in better being Catholics.

The topic for this week is about the organizations or corporations that provide a service or sells goods of any kind. For example think about companies like Bank of America, American Express, Ben and Jerry’s, Bath and Body Works, Frito Lay, Chase, Kaiser, Nike, Starbucks, Pepsi, Verizon. Do these brands/entities sound familiar? They should. What should be more shocking and of interest is that these companies are just a few of the many that publicly and directly support planned parenthood. And planned parenthood is an organization that provides abortions.

Now lets look at some companies that indirectly fund planned parent hood: AT&T, Anheuser Busch (the beer company), CBS, CVS, Costco, FED EX, Ford, Forever 21, General Mils (cereal company), Groupon, Hanes… and the list goes on and on.

Now just some food for thought. If you purchase goods from these companies you have also unknowingly supported planned parenthood. As the saying goes: “Money talks!” If the rest of our fellow soldiers of Christ stopped supporting these organizations with our money these companies would be far less profitable and would consider pulling funding to planned parenthood and its abortion practices. Personally, there’s a few companies on this list that I have been a customer at. It makes me think twice about using these organizations.

I invite you all to take a look at this list:

Now I know we are a just a small piece of the Roman Catholic community. I also know that it’s okay to start small. If we just shared this information and did our part to not support these groups we can at least start to make that difference!


abortion, catherine, corporations, life, money, saint

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  • I know that pro-life vs pro-choice is a huge divisive topic and I appreciate you at least saying something about it. It’s only been recently that I’ve switch sides from pro-choice to pro-life and that’s from understanding the whys about church’s teachings on the topic. What turned me around is the loving response advocated by the church, and not necessarily because of the things that say “You’re wrong”. I think we need to lovingly explain the stance and the reasons without the accusations, shaming, or guilt trips and let people come to the conclusion on their own. Maybe a topic for another day.

    • Thank you John for opening your heart to pro life. I believe every Catholic should be pro life (without a doubt) because life itself is beautiful and amazing especially if we live in accordance with the Gospel. Christ said himself, “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). God intended for us to have a complete, holy, full and abundant life if we allow his provisions. Let us encourage everyone to support our church in the pro life movement. 40 days for Life is a Global Organization that was established in response to the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics (1998). In our Archdiocese we have 2 events happening each year to promote prayer vigil, fasting, and peaceful rally to end abortion happening at our local abortion clinics. San Gabriel Region diocese hosts this rally right before Advent and during Holy Week. For more info please contact Rainier Banzuela – St. Martha Advocate.

  • Hey John. Thanks for sharing your input. I know that there are services for those women who are catholic and have had an abortion. I believe it’s called Rachel’s vineyard. They help counsel women after an abortion has happened. Its an example of how the church continues to show love for those suffering from the post effects of the abortion. I actually wear my retreat shirts A lot when i go into these organizations that support planned parenthoood. Its my small gesture of defending the church and speaking for the unborn children.

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